Thursday, February 13, 2014

Public service on cheese mold

I have always wondered if something I have done for a long time is safe.  What that thing is:  if I have a piece of cheese in the refrigerator, and it has a couple of green spots on the surface, or a white coating, I have just blithely trimmed off the affected part and used the rest.  Admittedly, if I see just a small green spot on bread, I sometimes pull that off too, and use the bread, but most of the time I'll throw away moldy bread.  But still, I cut the cheese...
... and use the rest.

But is that safe?  I don't think that I've ever become ill because of doing it, but that still doesn't mean it's accepted by food scientists or nutritionists or especially doctors as safe.  I never researched the subject to find out, either.

But Discovery Channel has now addressed the issue.  And now after watching the video, I have an answer to that previously-unanswered question.

If you want to know the answer, you'll have to watch the video too.

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