Wednesday, July 30, 2014

But the geckos are fine

 It's remarkable with all of the MAJOR problems in the world -- airliners getting shot out of the sky by Russian-backed  revolutionaries, Israel blasting away at Hamas on the Gaza strip (and Hamas trying to shoot ineffectually back), the worst outbreak ever of the scary Ebola virus in Africa, thousands of Central American kids invading the United States and frightening the beejeezus out of conservative Republicans, and the warmest May and June ever in temperature recorded history ...

that one of the major news concerns this last week was about four geckos sent into space to have sex.

The problem was that the controllers of the experiment (and they say that OUR space program wastes money!) lost contact with the satellite, and it was feared that the gecko sex test and the other experiments were gone.  But happily, contact was re-made, and though the satellite was in the wrong orbit, most of the goals of the mission are likely to be accomplished.  And the satellite should also be able to return safely to Earth.

So, ultimately, the geckos will get to do what humans have yet to do -- which is, mate, with the proper species in space.

Well, I have speculated previously on when sex in space would take place.  At least for geckokind, it apparently has.

And the geckos will survive.

The space sex geckos are OK - Russia regains control of satellite with important biology experiment onboard

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