Sunday, July 27, 2014

Seems like the time is now

According to this Climate Progress article, the Feds (our government) are considering a ban on bluefin tuna fishing.

Feds Consider Ban On Bluefin Tuna Fishing As Population Dips 95 Percent

If one wonders why, one need only read this:

"After years of large-scale fishing and rising demand in the sushi industry it is estimated that as few as 40,000 adult Pacific bluefin tuna remain in the wild, around four percent of the fish’s historic average."
That's 40,000 adult bluefin tuna.

In the entire Pacific Ocean. 

Does one need another reason this is a good idea?  Well, how about this:

"As the NOAA considers banning Pacific Bluefin fishing, last week the global authority on tuna fish, the Inter American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC), decided to delay discussions on fishing quotas until October after Japan, Korea, Mexico, and the U.S. could not agree on conservation measures. The WWF and the EU both expressed disappointment with the decision."
 I think that's enough reasons.  Time to ban bluefin tuna fishing and let them recover.

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