Friday, June 22, 2018

Forget about Space Force - we've got Spaceguard!

In his novel Rendezvous with Rama, Arthur C. Clarke envisioned Spaceguard, a system (including men in spacecraft) designed to prevent catastrophic asteroid impacts.  This was a global initiative after an asteroid plants Venice under the waves of the Adriatic Sea.

Now, recently, the idiot in the White House proposed a Space Force, for fighting war in space.  That's all I'm going to bother to say about that.

But, NASA put together its plans to protect the Earth (not just the USA, the whole Earth!) from asteroid impacts.  They didn't call it Spaceguard, but they could have. It's actually the "National Near-Earth Object Preparedness Strategy and Action Plan" (NNEOPSAP). 

I like Spaceguard better.

NASA outlines its plan to protect the Earth from asteroids
"In the short term, some of the emerging technologies NASA wish to develop to combat NEOs include two types of spacecraft: "Kinetic impactors", which would be deliberately flown into an NEO to disrupt its orbit and "gravity tractors" which would be able to more slowly course-correct an NEO's orbit by flying close to the object over an extended period of time. In addition, NASA will investigate the potential to use nuclear devices, as originally outlined in a 2010 report by the National Academy of Science.

It'll be like Armageddon, but without Bruce Willis and Aerosmith."
Ha ha.  Good one.

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