Saturday, February 3, 2024

Lighthouse of the Week, January 28 - February 3, 2024: Conche Lighthouse, Newfoundland, Canada


This is a cute little lighthouse on Newfoundland, no longer operational, but maintained by the nearby Town of Conche.  As you'll see, the actual light is just a little further out.

Let's see where this is:  Town of Conche.  Zoom out to see where it is;  it's on the northern peninsular extension of the island province.  Now, if you switch to satellite, most of the island was fogged in by the town, but you can see the lighthouse (look for the white slash on the rocks). The Lighthouse Directory doesn't refer to this picture, it links to a satellite picture on Bing.  But it is visible in the Google Maps satellite image.

Speaking of the Lighthouse Directory, the short summary is below. But I will note that Lighthouse Friends has more information on this one.

"1914. Inactive since 1992. 4 m (14 ft) square pyramidal wood tower with lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white. The active light (focal plane 20 ft; red light, 1 s on, 5 s off) has been moved to a square cylindrical aluminum skeletal tower a few feet farther from shore. ... The lighthouse was in severe disrepair until it was rebuilt by local volunteers. A boardwalk provides access to the tower."

There aren't a lot of pictures of this one; based on the map, I suspect it is not easy to get to. The working light is visible in the second picture, and there's an iceberg in the fourth one, if you didn't notice.

Flickr has a pretty good picture of it, too. 

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