Wednesday, August 15, 2012

It's in the way she moves

Great new psychology study showing that women dance differently (more seductively?) when they're ovulating, and thus more receptive to male advances.

It would have been fun to be part of the judging panel for this one.

Fertile gals have all the right dance moves
"The researchers asked 48 women ages 19 to 33 to dance to an identical drumbeat during both the late follicular, or fertile phase, of their cycles and the nonfertile mid-luteal phase. Fertility was gauged by counting back from the woman's last period. Two hundred men, mostly undergraduate and graduate students, were then shown silhouettes of the women dancing.  Hair was pulled back and the women wore identical form-fitting outfits to reduce the differences between them.

 The results revealed that though the men had no idea fertility was even being studied, they judged fertile women as more attractive dancers than women in their nonfertile phase. The researchers also captured video of the women's silhouettes walking and found that fertile women's gait was also judged more attractive than nonfertile women's."
So, if your babe is dancing good, prepare to get lucky -- and take precautions if you aren't ready to start a family.

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