Sunday, June 3, 2018

Helen of Troy is having a baby

It isn't often that an actress who played the most gorgeous woman in ancient history is in the news because she's pregnant.

And that sure must be a feather in the father's cap.

Well, Diane Kruger played Helen (and many other roles - National Treasure, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, Inglorious Basterds, In the Fade (recent), Farewell, My Queen), and now she's pregnant with the child fathered by Norman Reedus (The Walking Dead), so that's the news.  Her boyfriend of a decade, Joshua Jackson, may wonder why he never got this chance.

So, as usual, best wishes to the expectant couple.

Diane Kruger, 41, 'is pregnant with her first child' with boyfriend Norman Reedus

Now, briefly thinking back to Diane as Helen, here are two pictures from that movie (Troy).  The second one was just a few seconds prior to a lovely love/sex scene featuring her and Orlando Bloom as Paris, and that was a Very Good Thing. 

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