Well, it came out about as expected -- which is good for Democrats. Unfortuately, the Rethuglicans added a couple of seats in the Senate, partly due to the overwhelming numerical advantage that they had regarding vulnerable Democrats in majority Republican states. But the Democrats have carried the House, so I can post this:
Governorships - good news and bad news. The baddest news is that DeSantis won in Florida, which along with Rick Scott's Senate win, makes me feel very bad for the people of Florida. Good news -- a Democratic win in Kansas, ending the run of nutty Republicans starting with Sam "Banana Republic" Brownback. Wisconsin is still close as I write this, but Evers is leading over Walker, who I would definitely like to see out of office.
I can still write more on this, and will. But as for now, the Democratic win in the House means a lot of the crazy, boot-licking partisans that headed up House committees are out of the chairman's seat. And that means there should be some real oversight now, something the country badly needs.
One final comment, and note that I said it here first. Even though the Republicans added seats in the Senate, they were expected to at least retain their majority, and maybe add to it, which they did. But Donald Trump clearly hurt the party, and that has invoked the House flip. Coming up soon will be more revelations from Robert Mueller's investigation, and many pundits (and I as well) think there are going to be some serious charges and statements from him that are going to make Donald look pretty bad. So, I think, if in post-election analysis it can be determined that Donald is a net liability for the party, malfeasant Mitch McConnell will give Nancy Pelosi a call and ask how soon the impeachment proceedings can get started.
The game is afoot.
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