Saturday, April 25, 2020

N t quite "Jura sic Pa k" yet

So, how many people who read the headline below immediately thought what I thought, alluded to in the title of this post?

Possible Dinosaur DNA Has Been Found

Now, before you entertain visions of riding a Triceratops down your street to the envy of all your neighbors, let's read the article.
"Yet first, paleontologists need to confirm that these possible genetic traces are the real thing. Such potential tatters of ancient DNA are not exactly Jurassic Park–quality. At best, their biological makers seem to be degraded remnants of genes that cannot be read—broken-down components rather than intact parts of a sequence. Still, these potential tatters of ancient DNA would be far older (by millions of years) than the next closest trace of degraded genetic material in the fossil record."
So even before I read the above in the article, I suspected it would be that way, nothing more than remnants.  But as the article explains, just remnants are still pretty amazing.

If that's what they are.  Confirmation or disconfirmation awaits.  Stay tuned.  And if you want to ride something with "tri" in its name down the street, I suggest a tricycle.

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