Monday, November 30, 2020

A comet for Christmas


There's a comet currently visible (with the right equipment), Comet Erasmus.  Not as bright or as newsworthy as summer's Comet Neowise, but still, comets are fascinating things.

I'll make this quick;  here's a page of Comet Erasmus pictures. 

Realtime Image Gallery:   Erasmus

Here's one of the best from the gallery, taken in Namibia by Gerald Rhemann.  Clearly, clear skies enhance the view of this green glowing glob.  This picture is actually one of two -- the tail extends out of frame into the other picture.  

This comet was discovered by a South African astronomer named Nicolas Erasmus, and it is on a ~2000 year cycle return orbit.

I learned that from here:  Bright Comet Erasmus

It has been said that comets portend the overthrow of despotic leaders;  this was discovered on September 17, and Trump was defeated on November 3rd (and a few days after that).   So that works. 

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