Friday, December 11, 2020

This couldn't have been an accident


Venice flooded again a few days ago.

It wasn't supposed to.  After years of delays, the city is now protected with a system of flood gates that are supposed to rise and block the incoming high tide to keep the Venetian lagoon from rising onto the Venetian plazas.

Apparently, though, the forecast was just below the threshold at which the floodgates are raised.  So they weren't raised, and then the forecast turned out to be wrong, and the city was flooded.

I would think that the authorities should maybe lower the forecast threshold after this event.

So, the Daily Mail covered it, and in typical Daily Mail style, their article had lots of pictures.  What caught my eye, as I expect the editors thought it might, along with numerous other readers, predominantly male, was the top picture in the article, which I show below the linked title.

Venice floods again: St Mark's Square is swamped as officials warn of 'terrible situation' a year after city suffered a billion pounds of damage during high tides

OK, here's that picture.

So, I must ask:  what are the odds that a young and curvy woman wearing a red dress with a very revealing décolletage would happen to be walking right past the photographer as a friendly gust of wind attempted to disrobe her? 

Well, if it's a lucky shot, it's a heck of a shot.

I note that she is properly wearing a face mask.  I can't tell if she's wearing any underwear, but I think there's no chance she's wearing a bra.

I hope the damage to the city isn't too bad this time.  And I hope somebody gave the young woman someplace to dry off.

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