Sunday, May 30, 2021

Danger to the integrity of U.S. elections


Stop me if you've heard this before:  Republicans around the country, where they control the reins of government, are instituting voting "reforms" that will allow them to both control and restrain the votes of voters they don't like, and if that doesn't work, allow the legislature to overturn outcomes they don't like.


For more on this disturbing trend, read this:

An anti-Trump Republican’s agonizing travails point to real trouble ahead

"Consider this: Raffensperger is facing a primary challenge from Rep. Jody Hice, who has been endorsed by Trump on the specific grounds that he’ll use his official power to subvert future election results that Republicans hate, in a way Raffensperger would not. This is Hice’s whole rationale for running!"

Like I said, just great. 

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