Thursday, October 7, 2021

How much will Republicans cost us this time


As I write this, there may be a temporary hiatus in the debt ceiling madness of the GOP in Congress, led by the chief madman, Mitch McConnell.  But still, it's worth looking back to be informed.

Senate Democrats appear open to short-term debt ceiling reprieve from GOP

This paragraph shows how much it costs to even threaten default:

"Just the mere prospect of a nation unable to pay its bills cost the U.S. economy as much as $180 billion and 1.2 million jobs by 2015, according to some experts, as it upended the stock market and stoked anxiety among business leaders. Congress only defused the crisis after adopting significant caps on spending at federal health and education agencies — and on other domestic programs — that only expired this year."   
(And nobody like sequestration.)

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