Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Triops are coming


Triops are some very weird invertebrate/crustaceans.  So if they were as big as monsters in old monster movies, this warning might be concerning.

It's OK, they aren't that big.  But they are strange.

Hundreds of bizarre three-eyed 'dinosaur shrimp' emerge in temporary lake formed by torrential downpours in Arizona after lying dormant for decades

---  Triops have two large compound eyes and a 'simple eye' in the middle with photoreceptors to detect light 
--- They appear much as their ancestors did 400 million years ago, earning the 'dinosaur shrimp' nickname --- Triops eggs lie dormant until enough rainfall comes and gives them time and space to quickly hatch, mature and lay more eggs before dying 
--- They're in such a hurry to reproduce that if need be, females can produce offspring parthenogenetically from unfertilized eggs
--- North-central Arizona rarely receives enough sustained rain for Triops to hatch and grow to maturity

This outbreak occurred at Wupatki National Monument in northern Arizona.

If interested in knowing more, there's a book about them: (actually, there's more than one book about them)

You can see why we might be worried if they were the size of a standard military tank. 

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