Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How could there ever have been that many?


The vastness of the oceans is still hard to comprehend when numbers like those in this article are considered.

And it's pretty important to the future of the oceans to figure out where they went.

The Smallest Catch: Mystery of the disappearing Alaskan snow crabs deepens as it's revealed SEVEN BILLION have disappeared from the Bering Straits in the last four years - and entire industry faces ruin

"Fishermen across the Pacific northwest face financial ruin after the Alaska Department of Fish and Game canceled the state's lucrative snow crab fishing season in the Bering Sea.

The news will also have a huge bearing on the restaurant industry as price increases and shortages become inevitable. Alaska provides 60 percent of the seafood consumed in the United States.

The decision came after an ADF+G study found that billions of snow crabs had disappeared from the region.

Experts are divided on the cause of the disappearance. Some scientists believe the disappearance is related to migration or starvation, both of which would be connected to climate change."
I had to check on the difference between King Crab and Snow Crab.  This picture helped. 

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