Saturday, February 18, 2023

OK, Oliver, we agree on this


Oliver Stone came out in favor of nuclear power to address climate change.

Now, his opinion doesn't carry a lot of scientific or social weight, but it's still an example of clear-headed thinking on what we need to do, collectively, to address both energy generation and climate change.

‘It’s going to be a miserable existence’: Oliver Stone slams environmental movement for blocking nuclear power and warns of dystopian world of ‘hurricanes, fires, droughts’ without it

The Oscar-winner's new documentary, which he is promoting at Davos, touts the use of nuclear power as a green option that has been falsely maligned

Stone said this:

"  'We had the solution [nuclear power]...and the environmental movement, to be honest, just derailed it,' he told CNBC.

'I think the environmental movement did a lot of good, a lot of good. [I’m] not knocking it, but in this one major matter, it was wrong. It was wrong,' he added.

'And what they did was so destructive, because by now we would have 10,000 nuclear reactors built around the world and we would have set an example like France set for us, but no one ...followed France, or Sweden for that matter.' "

If I had the chance to talk to the director, I'd point something out to him.  Yes, the environmental movement did demonize nuclear power as dangerous (and Three Mile Island and Fukushima and Chernobyl didn't help).   And big nuclear plants are expensive, but modular, same-design reactors are a much better alternative.

The thing that he should be set straight on is the role that climate change denial and misinformation had in this.  For years, the fossil fuel industry, aided and abetted by both paid and unpaid deniers, made it seem that anthropogenic climate change was either not happening or not a big deal.  We now know that ExxonMobil's own scientists knew it was happening and that the models of it were basically right.  So they and all the lying climate change deniers they funded, and the unpaid minions who either ignorantly or knowledgeably spread the lies, are guilty of suppressing the urgency of changing our national and global energy production system.

That's why I detest them. I don't detest environmentalists, because their hearts are in the right place even if they are misguided.  But the climate change denier liars are guilty of lying and endangering both Earth's and humanity's future.


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