Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Going a bit dotty


Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin.

Well, what more can be said?

Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson unleashes bizarre rant about Covid pandemic and claims it was 'pre-planned' by unnamed elites with the goal of taking away human rights

"Johnson continued: 'This is all pre planned by an elite group of people. This is very concerning in terms of what has happened, what is happening, what continues to be planned for our loss of freedom.

'It needs to be exposed but unfortunately there are very few people in Congress who are willing to take a look at this, they all pushed a vaccine.

'So many people just simply don't want to admit they were wrong and they are going to do everything they can to assure they are not proving wrong."

I guess it's not nice to call him completely nuts.

But it's hard to deny it.

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