Sunday, January 28, 2024

I predicted this


Have you seen Fool Me Once, the Netflix limited series adaptation of a mystery novel?  If so, then you know. If not, then I recommend it.

For two reasons.

1. It's a great story.

2. Michelle Keegan.

I have sung the praises of Michelle for years, as a quick search on my blog will indicate. There are lots of posts. I will highlight one.

She will enter the world consciousness pretty soon

"Because the more the world finds out about Michelle, the more people (by that I mainly mean males), will want to watch."

It took somewhat longer than I thought it would. But now you can read this:

"A source told MailOnline: 'The response to Fool Me Once has been overwhelming.

'The phone calls and offers have been coming in from Hollywood film executives, it's different to anything Michelle has experienced before.

'Netflix is a global platform and the show has given her the opportunity to shine.

'Her career has already been a success but now her star is rising, everyone can feel that this is the beginning of something special."
And I predicted that.

I have a somewhat fanciful idea about this, too, which I hope to write up soon. It'll be fun, but I'm also semi-serious.

Meanwhile, I'll share how she looked in some of the looks she wore. They didn't overplay her figure (there was one very mild beach scene), but they didn't underplay it, either.

But still, she could have had one scene in a nightgown, though. I mean, c'mon, it's Michelle Keegan!

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