Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Looking forward to the Presidential election


No, actually I'm not looking forward to it. Given the way that Trump's lousy lawyers are still managing to delay almost everything (even though he's going to have to find a lot of money and soon), I'm hoping that Alvin Bragg nails the case against him for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal (the latter by having the National Enquirer buy her exclusive story about her affair with Trump and then never running it) to influence the 2016 election. This is going to trial at the end of next month, which as I write this is one day away, and that wouldn't have happened if this wasn't a leap year.

The Looming Contest Between Two Presidents and Two Americas

These two quotes are quite illustrative.

"Deep divisions in the United States are not new; indeed, they can be traced back to the Constitutional Convention and the days of John Adams versus Thomas Jefferson. But according to some scholars, they have rarely reached the levels seen today, when Red and Blue Americas are moving farther and farther apart geographically, philosophically, financially, educationally and informationally."

"In an increasingly tribal society, Americans describe their differences more personally."

Speaking of illustrative, here's a shot of Karen McDougal on the beach, in what I call "the pose"

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