Saturday, February 24, 2024

"Total Recall", for real


If you will hearken back to the original Total Recall movie (and perhaps the book by Philip K. Dick, though I have not read it), aliens had left a machine on the planet Mars that could terraform the place -- and fast. I hope that doesn't give too much away, but hey, the movie was made when Arnold Schwarzenegger was still fairly young, so if you haven't seen it, you're way behind.

Anyway, read this newsflash from Mars.

Water ice buried at Mars' equator is over 2 miles thick

The Mars Express orbiter has detected enough water ice buried beneath the Red Planet's equator to cover the entire planet in a shallow ocean if melted.

This map shows the estimated amount of ice within the mounds that form the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) consists of a series of wind-sculpted deposits measuring hundreds of kilometers across and several kilometers high, indicating that the ice-rich deposits are up to 3000m thick. (Image credit: Planetary Science Institute/Smithsonian Institution)

So, I know where the aliens put the terraforming reactor. Now we just have to figure out how to turn it on. 

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