Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Good news for bananas


You can review the news, even this blog, to read about recent concerns regarding a global Cavendish banana blight.  This was, and to some extent still is, a serious agricultural concern.

Yet there may be succor for the bananas coming out of the lab. That's good news for triathletes everywhere, as well as anyone that needed to be on the BRAT diet for resolution of dietary difficulties.

World first: disease resistant GM banana approved for consumption

A few comments from the article are excerpted below.
" “We welcome this decision as it’s a very important step towards building a safety net for the world’s Cavendish bananas from TR4 which has impacted many parts of the world already.”  -- James Dale, Queensland University of Technology professor, also quoted below.
Also read:
"QCAV-4 is genetically modified to be resistant to Panama Disease tropical race 4 (TR4) which has decimated banana markets around the world.

“TR4 is caused by a soil-borne fungus that stays in the ground for more than 50 years, wiping out banana crops and destroying farms for generations,” said Dale.

“It is a huge problem. It has devastated Cavendish plantations in many parts of the world and could cripple the Cavendish banana export industry worldwide.”

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