Thursday, April 4, 2024


You can just read the Daily Mail headline and shake your head.

North Carolina pastor sparks fury with sermon saying he'd clear any rapist whose victim was a scantily-clad woman because 'a man's a man'

(Also, remember that Republicans, led commonly by very conservative Christians in many states, have voted for laws that force a woman to carry her rapist's baby to term and birth.  How Christian of them.) 

Let's find an additional quote.

He said: 'You find more women going to those places with shorts, than you will women with pants and dresses put together.

'Try it, if you got time, try it. Have your boy go ahead and try it and watch for it, have your girl go out and watch for it.

'I used to say this, I haven't said this in a long time, you ready: I say if you dress like that and you get raped, and I'm on the jury, he's gone go free, you don't like it do you, I'm right though.

'I'm right, because a man's a man.'

He later apologized on a sign outside the church that said "I was wrong."

That's accurate, at least.

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