Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Signs of the apocalypse


While we worry about the potential for Russia to decide to use nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine, and we worry about the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station losing power to run and releasing radiation over a large region of Ukraine and Russia -- we can also worry about radioactivity-proof worms living near Chernobyl.


Worms living near Chernobyl have developed a new 'superpower', scientists discover

Or as Live Science reports it:

Chernobyl worms appear unaffected by radiation from world's worst nuclear disaster

"Scientists sequenced the genomes of 15 of the CEZ worms exposed to different levels of radiation, along with five from other parts of the world, and were unable to detect any clear signs of radiation damage in the worms from the CEZ. These results are in stark contrast to other animals, including frogs, which have changed physically after radiation exposure at the site."
CEZ is the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

When the end comes, the survivors will be worms and roaches.

AUGGH!  That means a lot of Republican politicians will survive! 

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