Sunday, September 29, 2024

I don't like this idea


According to the following article, the mayor of Paris wants to leave the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower.

In a word, non.

Eiffel Tower Will Keep Olympic Rings Permanently, Mayor Says

"Mayor Anne Hidalgo said that it was a “beautiful idea” to combine a quintessentially French icon, the Eiffel Tower, which was originally built for the 1889 World’s Fair, with a global one. The five interlaced rings of blue, red, yellow, black and green, which represent the different continents, were installed this summer between the tower’s first and second floors, more than 200 feet above the ground."
This is what I think. It's the Eiffel Tower, not the Olympic Eiffel Tower. The tower is a symbol of Paris without the rings, not with them. 

Well, it turns out that news moves fast. The rings came down, but the mayor still wants to put a set of rings on the tower to commemorate the games. The new rings will be smaller, according to the proposal. 

"Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo has promised to build new Olympic rings and return them to the landmark as a tribute to the hugely successful Olympic Games held in July and August.

The proposition has been criticised by descendants of the tower's designer Gustave Eiffel, as well as conservation groups and many Parisians.

After initially suggesting the rings should be permanent, Hidalgo has proposed they remain on the city's best-known symbol until the next Olympics in Los Angeles in 2028."
If they do get rings, they will be lighter, smaller, and paid for by the International Olympic Committee.

But what's the point?  They had the Games, they renovated the stadiums, built a new pool and other venues -- that's the lasting impact of the Games. They don't have to remind everyone how great they were.

In other words:  don't F with success.

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