Monday, September 2, 2024

A sonnet for September


I haven't done this for awhile, but I might start posting one a month. And I'd like to do some with photographic background on my Instagram. Stay tuned.

Fusion's fates

Intangibility divides the void
between the seen and known, and mysteries
that twist and flow from ancient stars destroyed
within their globed gravitic histories
and by the crux of iron that they bear. 
They whisper in the distance of demise,
the fated endings born within the rar-
ity of plasmic depths, from which arise
the spectral host in blues and reds and whites,
the sparkling rings of elven queens and kings,
the blazing eyes of mythic bulls -- and lights
of fierceness famed as diamonds over strings; 
it is destruction which ignites their flame,
a nakedness created without shame.

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