Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Defining love and luck and lucky

Second in a series on international birdwatching, this article concerns a Swedish woman living (and loving) in the UK with a past, present, and future named Ulrika Jonsson.

Ulrika Jonsson (Wikipedia)

A short summary is in order: Ulrika Jonsson was a cute TV weathergirl, and has gone through a succession of relatively high-profile relationships, which have resulted in four children with four different fathers, three of them from married relationships. (This must make Christmas rather interesting.) She's had a few other relationships that didn't result in children or marriage, but which garnered a few headlines (sex tapes, house-wrecking, the usual stuff). She was even on a TV show in which she analyzed the possibility that she might be a sex addict. (Symptomology indicates a likelihood of that, methinks.) Meanwhile, she also won Celebrity Big Brother in the UK, beating out Latoya Jackson among the other contestants, which allowed her to pocket some cash, which she has very recently put to good use.

Put simply, she's an attractive blonde woman, and she certainly appears to have a modicum of sexual magnetism. Laying the groundwork here, through the course of four pregnancies (and let it be noted that one of her children, daughter Bo, has a serious heart condition), her body has been modified a bit, naturally. To the point that her mammary glands had enlarged to remarkable proportions, i.e., an I cup. After that, in her own words, following post-nursing deflation, she'd be "be left with what can be described only as two ping-pong balls in bin liners."

Not a pretty thought. So wanting to be pretty again, and probably wanting to please husband #3 at least a little bit, she used some of that pocket change to the tune of 11,000 pounds (Sterling) for cosmetic surgery (it was only about 10% of what she won by my calculations).

It appears to have worked (fairly safe, unless bikinis are a problem)

Here's more about that, with more candid pictures (still safe):

Ulrika Jonsson's amazing breast reduction

So anyway: she's had a pretty interesting life, and even she admits it. Despite some problems in her life, she's ended up lucky ("gotten lucky" a few times, too) more often than not. Her life makes an interesting saga. Now one does have to wonder what she's got (and what she needs to get) to have four children with four different men. [The only somewhat similar case that I could think of is Christie Brinkley, three children with three fathers, and Christie too, despite unfathomable gorgeousness, also had some downsides.] So that raises the question: how does Ulrika Jonsson define love and luck? Has she been lucky or unlucky, and can she treat those two impostors just the same?

Well, I can think of one person who is currently counting himself lucky -- at least I hope so -- her current husband. Based on this from the second article:

Prof Kirwan [her reconstructive surgeon] is delighted. He'd always quoted the line: "A beautiful girl is like a red 430 Ferrari: sleek and smooth and makes you want to show everybody she belongs to you." When we last saw him, he told my husband he now had a Ferrari.

Brian [her current husband] replied: "Yes.... and I'm just waiting until I'm allowed to drive it."

I agree with Dr Kirwan: I used to be a Volvo, now I am a Ferrari. And I can't wait to hit the road.


Question for my readership (Hah!) -- how many other celebrity women have gone 3 for 3, or 4 for 4, with regards to children and fathers?

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