Due to a new paper on the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) published in Nature Geoscience, I decided to try making a compendium of Web articles about it. The Wikipedia article has quite a few of the published references; this is more about "public consumption" articles.
So I'll start with the Wikipedia article:
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum at Absolute Astronomy.com
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum at Chemistry Daily
Past global warming suggests massive temperature shift in our future
Massive climate change rocked ecosystems, animals 55 million years ago
Ocean Burps and Climate Change?
Studies of ancient climates suggest Earth is now on a fast track to global warming
Could Human CO2 Emissions Cause Another PETM?
The PETM in Review (link is to a PDF)
PETM at Weather Underground
Ancient Warming Caused Huge Spike in Temps, Study Says
The following article is in Nature Geoscience; I read it at the library. To get them online requires a subscription.
Kick-starting ancient warming
The following has a short summary of the paper, but the link to the press release is wrong. The press release is about the just-published Nature Geoscience paper.
More evidence of PETM Methane Release
As an additional reference, the following FABULOUS PDF of a Powerpoint presentation mostly on ocean acidification mentions the same paper (second slide). It's from the University of Washington -- wish I knew who wrote it so I could give credit.
Ocean Acidification presentation
Mission 300: Transforming Energy Access in Africa
36 minutes ago
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