Friday, May 7, 2010

Ulrika Jonsson stands up for her 4x4 record

I wrote about her here:
Defining love and luck and lucky

She writes about herself here:

Ulrika Jonsson: Why am I derided for being a 4x4 mum when dads like Rod Stewart (7x5) are heroes?

Society continues to regard men who have had many sexual partners as studs, whereas women who have had several lovers are regarded as 'tarts' or 'sluts'.

It is utterly unjust and, frankly, sexist. Why is it that we expect men to sow their wild oats and then accept that they may not be around to pick up the pieces? Why do we presume it is the woman - the mother - who will take full responsibility for the product of that failed relationship?

Although I'm not proof that it's a marvellous idea for women to have children by different men, I will never sit back and accept sole responsibility for my situation without asking: what about society's attitudes to men?

And so now I say:

I hope I didn't deride her. I was just pointing out how unique she was. Indeed, one of the problems with a Murphy or a Stewart is that in their dotage, they can still target young, nubile, and fertile females and fertilize them, while it is somewhat unique that a woman can be attractive enough to attract fathers* (a credit to Ms. Jonsson) and also fertile enough as she gets older to get pregnant again. I.e., the window of opportunity to be a 4x4 is much shorter than for a man to be a multiple father. I don't admire the behavior of silverbacks, I just point out the occurrences. Jonsson, who is raising all her children, is to be commended.

*As I also noted in the same posting, this multiple-mother by different fathers thing seems to occur way too often where the women are exploited and abused, or both; that's not good. Ulrika wasn't quite in that category, but some of her men treated her VERY caddishly.

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