Saturday, August 6, 2011

A preview of a non-nuclear future

Because Japan has lost generating capacity due to Fukushima Daiichi, they're worried about having enough energy for the winter. Rightly so. So for all those countries that are giving up on nuclear and/or not getting more energy efficient (like US in the USA), here's a preview of coming attractions.

Japan's power supply dilemma

Last week the Japanese government's energy and environment panel did an overview of the country's energy needs, reviewing government pronouncements that it would scale back the nation's dependence on nuclear energy. The committee concluded that, for the sake of the country's economy, the nation's nuclear power plants should be allowed to restart operations after their safety has been confirmed.

The government's energy and environment panel policy statement showed the government backtracking from the optimistic policy toward "denuclearization" suggested by Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the wake of the March 11 nuclear debacle at Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant.

Not so easy, is it? Pay attention, Germany.

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