Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Romney billboard for the Heartland Institute

What inspired this billboard, which I will tweet about every day between now and the start of the Heartland Institute's climate denial circus?  

Mitt Romney, June 2011:

"I can't prove that, but I believe based on what I read that the world is getting warmer. And number two, I believe that humans contribute to that… And so I think it's important for us to reduce our emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases that may well be significant contributors to the climate change and the global warming that you’re seeing."
Mitt Romney, OCTOBER 2011:

"My view is that we don't know what's causing climate change on this planet. And the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try to reduce CO2 emissions is not the right course for us."
So, herewith needing no further introduction:

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