Sunday, May 27, 2012

Nancy Pelosi' and Mark Warner blast Boehner's debt ceiling dunderheadedness

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker John Boehner 'Wants To Go Over The Edge' 

Pelosi described Boehner's approach to coming debt-ceiling negotiations as immature
and irresponsible. "Last year, just the threat of not lifting the debt ceiling caused our credit rating to be lowered. This is not a responsible, mature, sensible place for us to go. We all know we have to reduce the deficit. We have to do it in a balanced way," she said on ABC's "This Week." "The speaker wants to go over the edge."

Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), speaking on CBS's "Face the Nation," said that Boehner's approach was "incredibly irresponsible" and risked the global economy.
I agree. But it's all part of the Republican dirty-tricks playbook.

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