Friday, October 1, 2010

Morano links to pitiful video

A stunningly awful post on "Climate Desperate" -- here's exactly what it says (click it if you want to see for yourself):

Video: Gore Heckled on Campaign Trail: Crowd Chants 'You are a Fraud' -- 'Global warming is a hoax!' (Pathetic Gore is reduced to citing hot summer temps as 'proof' of man-made warming)

In the video, apparently a lone person filming from his own POV yells out a few dumb-ass remarks and heckles, like "You're a fraud!" and "Global warming is a hoax". The post says that the "crowd" chanted this stuff. I see no evidence of a "crowd" doing anything but listening to Gore and there is considerable disapproval evidenced toward the attack heckler.

This is the best Morano can do? This is truly, truly pitiful, even for a master propagandist bullsh*tter like Morano.

See it and judge for yourself.
Al Gore confronted in Tampa on Global Warming Again!

Oh, and by the way, about those "hot summer temperatures" (from Climate Progress):

Second, you may recall that NASA predicted in January 2009 that 2010 would likely set a record. In this paper, he [NASA's James Hansen] explains “It is likely that the 2005 and 2010 calendar year means will turn out to be sufficiently close that it will be difficult to say which year was warmer, and results of our analysis may differ from those of other groups. What is clear, though, is that the warmest 12-month period in the GISS analysis was reached in mid-2010, as shown in the Rev. Geophys. preprint.”

Warmest 12-month period ever -- might cause a few warm days, methinks.

Here's a characterization from Hansen himself:

Extreme events, by definition, are on the tail of the probability distribution. Events in the tail of the distribution are the ones that change most in frequency of occurrence as the distribution shifts due to global warming.

For example, the “hundred year flood” was once something that you had better be aware of, but it was not very likely soon and you could get reasonably priced insurance. But the probability distribution function does not need to shift very far for the 100-year event to be occurring several times a century, along with a good chance of at least one 500-year event.

So go ahead, Morano, and try and argue against the record heat waves. It only adds to the steaming pile of evidence that you are a reprehensible and disgusting person. And I mean that in the nicest possible way.

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