Sunday, July 24, 2011

The definition of ridiculous

House Speaker Boehner is supposedly going to roll out ANOTHER debt ceiling plan -- because he can't get the Tea Party GOP frosh to get behind some of the best long-term deficit cutting plans that we've seen in a decade.

So here's what he's saying now:

The speaker flatly rejects the White House insistence that the plan get the country through the next election instead of offering a short-term fix while a longer-term solution can be worked out.

Boehner's two-part deal includes a savings package first, followed by reforms to entitlement programs and the tax code.

He hopes for bipartisan support, but said 'if that's not possible, I and my Republican colleagues in the House are prepared to move forward on our own... today.'

Boehner said he would develop a package 'within the principles of Cut, Cap and Balance.'

From the Daily Mail,

For those who haven't been following along, Cut, Cap, and Balance is the Tea Party-sponsored plan to bring the country back to 1965 levels of spending. As Senator Barbara Mikulski said:

“What are the plain facts: It cuts spending to 1965 levels. That was forty- six years ago. Forty- six years ago. When making $8000 a year was considered a fantastic salary. Would you want to go back and make $8000 a year? I don’t think so.

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