Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Gates still bullish on nuclear power

Bill Gates (you know him, the Microsoft guy, has a bit of money) is still trying to push nuclear power as a future energy source and as a way of addressing climate change.  I'm glad he is, but I think the way he's doing it is a bit dubious.

The Energy 202: Bill Gates is selling Washington on the promise of nuclear power

Here's something I find both interesting and disheartening:
"But many nuclear experts say that Gates is the wrong messenger and that his company is pursuing a flawed technology. They say that any new nuclear design is likely to come at a prohibitive economic cost and take decades to perfect, market and construct in any significant numbers."
Why not go with a proven technology - like that used on nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines - instead of something unbuilt and untried ?

But this is true:
"For all nuclear designs, both new and old, the colossal expense of nuclear construction and the absence of a carbon tax remain obstacles."

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