Monday, August 17, 2020

Asking for a friend


I'm asking for a friend, Carrie Stevens, that you buy her new book.

Carrie and I go way back ... I admired her as a Playboy Playmate, and then, a few years later, we started exchanging messages on Twitter.  Not many, but she has replied, and I appreciate that.  She's a remarkable woman who has had a lot of experiences in life.

I want to get her book -- haven't quite figured out how yet, but I will.  Meanwhile, I will offer it up for perusal and purchase for my few followers.  

Revelations of a Rock 'n' Roll Centerfold

Here's a couple of pictures, since she is so admirable.  A tame throwback, and her 30-year challenge comparison.  All of which shows -- she's great.

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