Saturday, February 20, 2021

Lighthouse of the Week, February 14-20, 2021: Harrison Point, Barbados


This week's lighthouse is a nearly-defunct one, though it has a light.  The Lighthouse Directory says that it is gravely endangered.  Interesting "bio" on it -- here's the Lighthouses of Barbados page from the directory, where you can read it.  It's the northernmost lighthouse on the island -- see the map -- and in a fairly rural location, it appears. Most of the Barbadian lighthouses are on the southern end.

Here's the basics on it from the Lighthouse Directory.

"1925. Reactivated (inactive 2007(?)-2011); focal plane 59 m (194 ft); continuous red light. 26 m (85 ft) concrete block tower with lantern and gallery, originally painted white; lantern red. Keeper's quarters and other light station buildings abandoned and in ruins."

 Below, pictures, a stamp, and a video.

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