Sunday, December 12, 2021

In favor of expanding the Court


Just passing this on -- with an excerpt.

The Supreme Court isn’t well. The only hope for a cure is more justices.

"But make no mistake: In voting to submit the report to the president neither of us cast a vote of confidence in the Supreme Court itself. Sadly, we no longer have that confidence, given three things: first, the dubious legitimacy of the way some justices were appointed; second, what Justice Sonia Sotomayor rightly called the “stench” of politics hovering over this court’s deliberations about the most contentious issues; and third, the anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian direction of this court’s decisions about matters such as voting rights, gerrymandering and the corrupting effects of dark money."

Yes, we knew that dubious legitimacy was an issue right when Bitchy Mitchy McConnell put up the blockade against Merrick Garland's appointment.

And this is just one issue of the Republican march toward absolute power.

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