Saturday, May 20, 2023

A comment on the Fox News / Dominion Voting Systems case


At this point, the case is over, and Fox News admitted, quietly and meekly, while shelling out more than three-quarters of a billion dollars, that they lied about, and promoted the lies about, Dominion Voting Systems machines altering votes so that Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election.

And so I'm promoting the op-ed column that the esteemed Maureen Dowd of the New York Times wrote about it.

When The Mad Lead The Blind

And particularly this quote:

"It’s hard for a journalist to argue that a news organization should be penalized, but Fox News isn’t a news organization. It’s a greedy business that freaked out when some Fox News reporters actually told the truth about Trump’s lies, and then it proceeded to broadcast the lies."

Exactly.  And yet so many people still tune in and listen to lies from Fox News.  Lies like the GOP being fiscally responsible while they are figuratively tying the U.S. and global economies to a wooden post, stacking up wood around it, pouring gasoline on it, and brandishing a torch while saying that if you don't do what we say about massively slashing the U.S. government budget, we're going to destroy our collective economic future.

And smiling while they lie.

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