Sunday, June 11, 2023

Lighthouse of the Week, June 11-17, 2023: R'as Serani Rear Range Light, Mombasa, Kenya


It isn't common for people thinking of Kenya to think of its oceanic coast, given the big volcanoes and wildlife and Rift Valley and all that other stuff that is in the country.  But Kenya certainly has coast, and the main port is Mombasa.  Up the coast, Lamu Island is famous for colonial architecture and beaches.

Kenya has lighthouses, most of the active ones modern and small. But Mombasa has one, the R'as Serani Rear Range Light, that is the more traditional variety.  That's the one featured this week.  As you have discerned from the foregoing discussion, it's in Mombasa, and this is where it is located (it's called "Watchtower" on the map.

Let the Lighthouse Directory tell us about it.

"Date unknown (1920s?) (station established 1902). Active; focal plane 45 m (148 ft); white flash every 5 s. 33 m (108 ft) round stone tower with lantern and gallery, painted with black and white horizontal bands."

That's all there is, and there aren't a lot of pictures of it -- three are below.

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