Sunday, December 17, 2023

It's real, and it's frightening


It's old news now, but having Mike Johnson as an incompetent and unrepetantly extreme conservative Speaker of the House is frightening.

Trumpism Is Running the House

("ruining" could place "running")

"A party that once cared deeply about America as the leader of the free world — and believed in the strength, dependability and bipartisan consensus that such a role required — has largely given way to a party now devoted to an extremism that is an active threat to liberal values and American stability.

It’s obvious why the former president was so supportive of the new speaker. Mr. Johnson was “the most important architect of the Electoral College objections” to Mr. Trump’s loss in 2020, as a New York Times investigation found last year. He made unfounded arguments questioning the constitutionality of state voting rules; he agreed with Mr. Trump that the election was “rigged,” cast doubt on voting machines and supported a host of other baseless and unconstitutional theories that ultimately led to a violent insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021."


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