Friday, December 15, 2023

Not necessarily easy


Sasha Digiulian is one of the world's best rock climbers. She happens to be female, so certainly she's one of the world's best female rock climbers, but seriously, she's just one of the best, period.

First of all, she recently got married. The New York Times covered it:  

They Climbed a Frigid Mountain to Meet Each Other

The Daily Mail also had a recent article about her. Both articles mentioned that she had hip dysplasia and needed double hip reconstruction surgery, which she had, and it was successful, and she's still doing world-class climbing.  But she had more than just that.

And in addition to that fun, she's also torn a lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and a finger pulley, which is something I didn't even know existed until I read about the injury, which I don't want to ever have. Apparently it's a fairly common climbing injury.  I'm certain that I won't get it that way.

It seems clear that world-class climbing is not particularly easy, skill-wise, fitness-wise, and body damage-wise.

Here she illustrates why hip injuries can be a problem.

When more relaxed, she's also quite cute, an attribute that I think is likely not overlooked by her new spouse.

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