Sunday, December 3, 2023

Lighthouse of the Week, December 3 - 9, 2023: Ra's Serani Range Rear Light, Kenya


I checked back in my history of posting Lighthouses of the Week, specifically for Africa, and determined that I had featured lighthouses from South Africa (several) and Senegal (1).  So I focused in on Kenya. Kenya has several lighthouses, but only one classic style lighthouse. That one is this one.

The lighthouse is the Ra's Serani Range Rear Light, in Mombasa. Mombasa is a fairly famous place in Kenya, as it's the only significant coastal community on the Kenyan coast. It's been mentioned more than once in movies and books. 

It's not too hard to find; this is where it is

The Lighthouse Directory has this information about it:

"Date unknown (1920s?) (station established 1902). Active; focal plane 45 m (148 ft); white flash every 5 s. 33 m (108 ft) round stone tower with lantern and gallery, painted with black and white horizontal bands."

In addition to the Lighthouse Directory entry, World of Lighthouses also has a page for it.

Most of the pictures of it are from either of those two sources. So don't be surprised if you've seen these if you have visited the links.

Postcard view from Huelse, noted and linked in the Lighthouse Directory.

Because this is the lighthouse that looks the most like a lighthouse in Mombasa, by searching with "Mombasa lighthouse", I found a couple of others.

The third one is from this TikTok video.

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