Saturday, August 31, 2024

A brief note about Serdnova Anastasija


Serdnova Anastasija (it feels to me like that name should be reversed, but that's how it shows up just about everywhere) is a talented artist who paints watercolors. Many of her watercolor paintings are of nude women. I have featured work by the late Steve Hanks here on this blog a few times, and I think his are better than hers, but her work is very good and she shows faces -- Hanks didn't. 

She has an Instagram page, which show her work, and apparently there's a difference between painting and photography, because her nudes are there.  It is also very, very easy to find a lot of examples of here watercolor nudes, and even to purchase them for display in the home.  Where in the home?  That's certainly up to you, and probably depends on what kind of home you live in and who lives there.

An example of her sensual/erotic, but not nude, work is shown below. 

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