Monday, June 10, 2013

Nuclear energy offers a way off the main track

Carbon dioxide emissions rose 1.4 percent in 2012, IEA report says

Well, that's to be expected in an industrializing world.   Regardless of what the climate skeptics say or do, we're messing with the climate, and there are numerous environmental signs all pointing in the same direction -- down bad-times road.

"The energy sector accounts for more than two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions, so “energy has a crucial role to play in tackling climate change,” the IEA said. Its report urged nations to take four steps, including aggressive energy-efficiency measures, by 2015 to keep alive any hope of limiting climate change to 2 degrees Celsius."

And what might be done about that?   What's one tactic in this battle?

"Notwithstanding the Fukushima accident, [Faith] Birol said nuclear energy remains “a very important option to fight against climate change.” The report also urged the pursuit of carbon capture and storage methods." 

There are some people thinking that nuclear is a dead-end road.  But the innovators think otherwise.  I'm with them.

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