Thursday, June 6, 2013

Truth talk about nuclear energy

   is good.


Good, well-thought-out piece on nuclear energy, actually a review of a film, in Scientific American.   I'll excerpt a bit and recommend reading the whole thing.

Hope springs eternal: 'Pandora's Promise' and the truth about nuclear energy

A. "There is no evidence that extremely low levels of radiation cause cancer, and the total number of deaths caused by even the worst nuclear accidents are a fraction of those from other causes like coal pollution and cigarette smoking."

B. " Nuclear power is the only high-density, low-carbon energy source that is ready to be deployed on a vast scale. When it comes to climate change, time is running out, and solutions have to be not just comprehensive but quick; as [Gaia father James] Lovelock says, “we have no time to experiment with visionary solutions”. "

C. "The solution to the cost problem is to make reactors leaner and meaner, and that is what the film does talk about. Fortunately many prominent thinkers who also happen to be wealthy are supporting inspired research into new smaller, safer and more efficient reactors."

And here's the link to the Web site about the film:  Pandora's Promise  (complete with trailer)

Worth reading.  Worth seeing, if possible.

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