Friday, September 5, 2014

A small step forward toward saving bluefin tuna

Believe it or not, a fisheries commission in Japan agreed to a proposal from Japan to cut the catch of young bluefin tuna (smaller ones) by 50%.

Truly.  In Japan.

International conference strikes deal to slash bluefin tuna catches
"A four-day subcommittee meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) wrapped up in Fukuoka with a broad agreement on Japan’s proposal to cut catches of juvenile bluefin tuna weighing less than 30 kilograms, from the 2002-2004 average."
 And they also agree to try not to catch more bigger tuna than they did on average in 2002-2004.

It's not a big step. What's really needed is a complete ban and international action to cut down on poaching and piracy.  That might give the bluefin a real chance.

But this might be a first step in that direction.  We can hope.

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