Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Stunningly spectacular pictures of Iceland's eruption

Put it this way:  "curtains of fire" eruptions are VERY uncommon.

That's why the eruption happening at Bardarbunga in Iceland is something to see.

And amazingly, now we have the Internet to provide spectacular pictures of it just a couple of days after it happened (rather than having to wait months for National Geographic to arrive with pictures of the event, which was the way it happened in the old days), and not only that, we also have a Webcam with live coverage of it.  The Webcam, which I checked just a couple of minutes ago, showed that the eruption is continuing, but clouds drifted over it while I was watching.  According to some reports, measurements indicate that there is more magma entering the fissure system than is currently being erupted.  So this could get bigger before it stops, and it might not stop for awhile.

Here's the site with the spectacular pictures:   Volcanic Eruption 2014

Here's an unattributed picture (but I bet it's from the same place):


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