Monday, June 25, 2012

Pineapple is not citrus

Other than that, good (bad news) op-ed by Neil Wagner.  There is so much trending the wrong  way, with little legitimate response from national governments (see this), that I am going  to renew my call for world government.  At this point on time, I think the European governments would welcome a stern guiding hand on their respective economies. 

No break in the breaking news that the climate is breaking

The Rio conference non-results are another reason that world government is needed to save the world from itself (i.e., humanity). 

Rio+20 shows U.N. impotence in face of global crisis

Some quotes:
"The multilateral process today is not delivering the urgent action we need," WWF's Jim Leape told AFP in an email.

"International action is in fact important, to galvanize a global response to these challenges, but it's clear that we need to look to leadership in other places... that means looking for changes everywhere -- communities, cities, national governments and companies."
and this:

Observers said the most tangible success was a plan for "Sustainable Development Goals" to succeed the UN's Millennium Development Goals, which touch on health, poverty and so on, after they expire in 2015.
In an interview with AFP carried on its Geopolitics blog (, Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, said the MDGs had been an important catalyzer -- but for ordinary citizens, not leaders.

"They have been a global call to action that has mobilized millions of people around the world, as well as informed, nudged or pushed governments to take seriously the challenges of poverty, hunger and disease.  "They thus teach us a lesson: we cannot rely on the politicians and the diplomats to get this job done."

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