Saturday, June 30, 2012

The rhetoric is ramping up

Obama hatred makes some people say the darndest stupid things:

Davis' email begins: "Implicit in Benjamin Franklin's fabled response at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention was a dire warning: That the Republic would one day devolve into tyranny unless we the people prevented it."

It goes on to characterize Obama's election as the end point of a "100-year progressive trek to tyranny" before questioning whether a good old-fashioned uprising would be the best means to overturn the president's signature domestic policy. The key paragraph:
If government can mandate that I pay for something I don't want, then what is beyond its power? If the Supreme Court's decision Thursday paves the way for unprecedented intrusion into personal decisions, then has the Republic all but ceased to exist? If so, then is armed rebellion today justified?

Keep talking like that and the American people are going to realize the level of nutcasiness that is inherent in the Tea Party, the group that wants to get Mitt Romney elected so he can rubber-stamp the agenda of John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Jim DeMint.

NOT a good idea.

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