Friday, October 24, 2014

Learn to like anchovies and sardines

Of course this makes PERFECT sense.  If you remove the predators, the prey will thrive.  That's why the Eastern US is overrun with whitetail deer, why the Yellowstone ecosystem had way too much elk until wolves were reintroduced --- and in the case of the oceans, why there are now a lot of LITTLE fish, not much fun to catch from a charter fishing boat. 

Small ocean fish are thriving while humans eat up all their predators

"Industrialised fishing practices are causing a revolution in the world’s oceans, with numbers of predator fish - which also include swordfish, grouper, North Atlantic cod and salmon - tumbling by 54 per cent in the past four decades. These fish sit at the top of the food chain and are more popular with humans than the smaller species because people find them tastier. Their volume – by weight - has fallen by 67 per cent in the past century, a University of British Columbia study has found."
 Might I also add bluefin tuna to the list of overfished predator fish?  I think I'm justified in doing that.

 Anyways, it would appear that the oceans aren't DEAD yet, they are just CHANGING a lot.

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